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Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor,Academician of the International Engineering Academy, the International Academy of Mineral Resources and the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnical Institute named after V.I.Lenin. Specialised in Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields. 1963–1993: Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Chair of Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields. 1979–1992: Deputy Dean, Dean of the Oil Chair at the Kazakh Polytechnical Institute. Since 1993: Professor, Head of Chair of the Oil and Gas Geology. 2000–2004: Pro-rector on Research and International Relations. Since 2004: Head of Chair of the Oil and Gas Geology at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev. 2009–2010: Director of the Institute of GeoSciences named after K.I.Satpaev. 2011–2016: Head of Chair of the Oil and Gas Geology at the Kazakh National Research Technical Institute named after K.I.Satpaev. Since 2017 to present: Director of “The Institute of GeoSciences named after K.I.Satpaev” LLP. The author of more than 210 scientific works, 4 monographs, 15 guidelines, 5 textbooks on the course of “Geology of oil-gas regions of Kazakhstan”. One of the authors of the study programme with specialization no.050706 in geology and exploration of mineral fields for graduates, post-graduates and PhD students”, author of curricular sets on main disciplines specialised in oil and gas geology, co-author of textbooks “The geological structure and oil-and-gas content of South Torgai” 1998, “Geology of the oil and gas fields in Algeria” 1977, “Geology of the oil fields in Cuba” 1981; author of textbooks: “The commercial petroleum geology and calculation of reserves”, Almaty 2009, “The geological basis for oil and gas fields development” 2009, “Geological structure and prospects of oil-and-gas content in North and Middle Caspian”, 2005, “Scientific substantiation of hydrocarbon potentials in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2013. Awarded with certificates of honour and gratitudes as followes: The Best Lecturer The “Golden Prometheus” National Prize The State burse The Republican Prize named after K.I.Satpaev The First Prize named after A.Burkitbaev, the KazNTU first rector The Prize named after academicians U.А.DJoldasbekov and Sh.Е.Eesenov, The USSR oil industry award for excellence The 2015 State Prize The honourable explorer of Kazakhstan subsurface The KazNTU best graduate The Honourable Professor of several Kazakhstanian and foreign universities Medals: “For Valorous Labour” (USSR), “Airyksha Yenbegi ushin” and the “Kurmet” order of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academician, member of the RK National Engineering Academy, the International Engineering Academy, the International Computerization Academy, the International Academy of Mineral Resources, academician of the RK mineral resources.

Deputy Director


Deputy Director on Scientific Innovation Activity and External Relations of the IGS, Dr of Technical Sciences, full member of the International and National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Upon graduation from the Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute (KazChTI) with distinction, worked as senior engineer in the “Phosphor” industrial association. In 1983, invited to work as engineer of the Chair in the KazChTI and in 1985 became the aspirant occupied with scientific proposals on complex use of polymetallic resources of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Results of the scientific work were awarded with Diploma of the Іst degree of the KazSSR VDNH (ВДНХ 1988), the Silver medal of the USSR VDNH (1989). In 1990, passed his PhD defended on speciality 05.16.03 “Metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals" at the Dissertation Council of the IMIO at the KazSSR Academy of Science. During 1989-2003, worked in the KazChTI from Assistant to Professor, Head of Chair (2000-2003), Dean of Chair (1991-1997), University trade union chairman (2002-2003). In 1994, docent. In 1997-2000, underwent full-time doctoral studies and in 2001 defended his doctoral thesis at the Dissertation Council D 53.17.01 of the RK MES IMIO. In 2003-2011, rector of the JSC "Balkhash humanitarian-technical university", created on the base of branch offices of the KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, KarGTU, KarGU named after Е.Buketov and ZhezU named after О.Baikonurov, co-founded by the Kazakhmys Corporation. Since 2004, Professor of Metallurgy. In 2011-2014, occupied managerial positions in several state universities, was Departmental Director of the RK Ministry of Education and Science. In 2014, start working in the Kazakh National Technical Institute named after K.I.Satpaev as Head of Rector’s administration. Since February 2016, was assigned to the position of Deputy Director on scientific-innovative development and external relations at the Geological Sciences Institute named after K.I.Satpaev. Has over 185 published scientific-methodological works, including 6 scientific monographs, 5 textbooks, 17 copyright certificates, patents and pre-patents of the RK. In Moscow 2006, was elected the full member of the International Engineering Academy and in 2008 the member of the National Engineering Academy of the RK. In 2006, received honourable title "International engineer-pedagogue" and enlisted in an international register. During 2007-2012, member of the Karaganda regional parliament (Maslikhat). Special merits in the field of science, education and development of society were recognised by medals: "10 years of Astana", “20 years of the RK Independence”, silver medals named after А.Baitursynov and Y.Аltynsarinа, the badge “For merits in developing the RK science”. Owns a title "Honourable employee of the RK education" and the sign “For contribution into development of the RK trade union of employees of education and science”. Was noted by gratitude of the RK President N.Nazarbaev. In 2008, in Oxford (UK), was given the international award “The United Europe”.


Academic Secretary of the Institute

Anarkul Baigabylovna Nusupova


Graduate of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin, the Chair of the Geological Exploration, specialised in Geology, Surveying, and Explorations. Since 1990, worked in the Moscow branch of the Institute of Advanced Training at the USSR Ministry of Geology as Responsible Specialist Engineer. 1994–1996: the Research Dpt specialist in the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev. 1996-2008: specialist, specialist of the I category, specialist of the highest category of the Science Dpt at the KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev. 2008-2010, leading specialist of the Dpt of Planning, Analysis and Monitoring of scientific-technical programmes at the KazNTU Science department. 2010-2011: chief specialists of the scientific-technical programmes section of the KazNTU Science and International Cooperation department. 2011-2016: chief specialists of the section of coordination of scientific-technical activity at the Department of Science and Innovations. Since 2016, academic secretary of the Scientific-Technical Council (“НТС”) at the KazNITU named after K.I.Satpaev. 2005-2016: academic secretary of the Earth Science section at the RK Academy of Science National Academy. Since January 2017, manager of the section of Science and postgraduate programmes of the Overall-Analytical Department at the KazNITU named after K.I.Satpaev. Since May 2017, academic secretary of the “Institute of Geological Science named after K.I.Satpaev” LLP. Awarded with the RK President gratitude, medal of the KazNITU named after K.I.Satpaev “Airyksha enbegi ushin”, certificates of honour, letters of award, gratitudes from various work places.


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